The Parish of Central Wolverhampton
Who can be baptised?
A person can be Baptised or Christened at any age, but only the once. Through baptism anyone can claim a share of promises shown in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
What happens?
Baptism, whether of an infant, child or adult, requires thoughtful and prayerful preparation. In the service the candidate is anointed with oil, has their head or whole body covered with water three times, and then receives a candle to carry the light of Christ into the world.
Why be baptised?
Through baptism we claim our own place in Christ's Church and become partners in his mission. The newly baptised person is received into the Church, a universal community reaching far beyond the Church of England in Wolverhampton.
Baptism is not needed to receive God's love and forgiveness but to grow and develop human beings need to be incorporated into the God centred community that baptism promises.
What next?
If you would like to explore baptism for yourself, for a child for whom you have responsibility, in the Parish of Central Wolverhampton contact the clergy at one of the churches. There is no charge for a baptism service but remember that through baptism you are taking on a share in Christ's mission and that has proved both costly and richly rewarding for hundreds of years.
You will find more information about infant/child baptism or adult baptism by clicking the link.